Erin has it figured out
Wanna buy some stamps? Erin has it figured out – this is the big show, not a tryout. What, precisely, are you waiting for? She was amazing when I worked with her 25 years ago and she’s still making a ruckus.”
– Seth Godin, Author, Linchpin

I couldn’t put it down
Great Read!, Review By JaneJr
This book is a GREAT read and extremely helpful for anyone who is looking at their life and wondering, wow, is this really all there is??? Erin has provided a great roadmap for people who want to live their best life with real passion and without fear. Her own rich life experiences lend themselves greatly to illustrate the meaningful little, and the big, defining moments of life – and – the big ripple effect we all have on one another.
…I couldn’t put it down. I finished it in a day. It’s refreshing, it’s energizing, and I found myself laughing more than once at her humor and thinking, WOW many times. Best book I have read in a while.
I could relate to many of the experiences with work, especially. I am going through a redefining, life changing phase right now myself..and all I can say is, Year of Action!!!
This book chronicles her journey from her undergrad days washing dishes at Smith College and scrounging for subway fare in Boston to taking action and following her dreams. She quit her job and bought a one-way ticket to Europe, travelled on her own and had an apartment overlooking the Eiffel Tower.
Her journey continues later in life where as the breadwinner and mother of two, she had the courage to quit a toxic job on her 50th birthday in the worst economy in recent history – and she and her family have never been happier.
Her everyday adventures (the good, the bad and the embarrassing), practical advice andAction Steps will show you the secrets of how to see the moments in your life, start believing in the possibilities, and inspire you to take a little step – and then another one – to create your BIG, fabulous life.

Can a little book change your life? This one is changing mine!
Not Just Another Self-Help Book!, Review By Linda Snow-Siciliano
I have bought my share of self-help books over the years. This book is different! This book will give you an action plan for your life. This book is filled with small ideas on how to get more out of your life.
Erin McCormick shows us all how to have fun again, reconnect with what’s really important, and take care of ourselves everyday. I am not going to be jetting off to Paris, but I can add something new and fun to my life everyday.
After reading this book, I am taking small but meaningful steps everyday to enjoy my life.
This past winter, my husband and I both scheduled a day off from work in the middle of the week, and went skiing for the day. The car ride, the chairlift, lunch…just the two of us. After 25 years of marriage, we still found something to talk about.
Another day, I took myself to a Boston museum, I had not been to since college. I lost myself in the art work, took the “T”, and sat and had lunch with a glass of wine…by myself!
I have an action plan for my work life too, and I am reaching for higher goals at work that I wouldn’t have had the confidence for before.
Why do we limit our dreams and our potential? Can a little book change your life? This one is changing mine!

Speaking in Rio de Janeiro

This book is simply terrific! Well written, engaging and funny
Year of Action – Insightful, inspiring and motivating, Review By Alicia H. Clark, PsyD
This book is simply terrific! Well written, engaging, and funny, Year of Action inspires us to notice the “moments” of life, take action, and build “momentum”.
Without naming them as such, the author deftly takes on the common and sometimes crippling mental health issues of procrastination, avoidance, feeling stuck, and anxiety, to name a few. With compassion and integrity, McCormick describes the solution: action. She breaks down the process of paying attention to what we want, recognizing life’s moments, and using this insight to fuel action. Action through courage. So simple and yet so hard.
I talk about this every day with my patients, with my kids, and most importantly with myself! This readable, funny, and down-to-earth book is a must-read for anyone ready to take action – why not make it your first step?

This book is a must read for anyone that feels stuck, uninspired or just ready for life to be an adventure again.
A book to be devoured and not just read, Review by Cbatten
Year of Action reminds us of the importance of those moments in life that can, if we are paying attention, guide us to greatness.
The book is a delightful memory of the author’s travels through Europe which then evolves into something more familiar – how she let being a grown up take over. This book is a must read for anyone that feels stuck, uninspired or just ready for life to be an adventure again. With baked in “action steps” to nudge us forward, Erin is clearly lighting the path for us all to lead a “big, fabulous life”.

It makes what appears insurmountable more feasible
Practical, humorous and realistic, Review by MTristani
During overwhelming times, this book is refreshing because it makes what appears insurmountable more feasible. The author’s approach to guiding you one step at a time with practical tools creates a structured path to success. Thank you!

Good Kick in the Butt Story
Good Kick in the Butt Story, Review by Saving History
Erin lives what she writes. The book leaves you looking at all the “moments” in your life differently. Great book!

Encouraging you to be bold and fabulous in your own life
Her Warmth Shines, Review by LIngalls
I find myself running around shouting, “Year of Action!” What a great saying to keep yourself laughing and courageously moving forward in your life. Erin Moran McCormick has a warmth that shines through in her writing.
Even though you may not ever meet her face to face, there is a genuine sense that she is peeking over your shoulder, sharing her story with you, and encouraging you to be bold and fabulous in your own life. I highly recommend this book!

It’s like going from having a simple screwdriver to owning a complete kit of power tools.
Inspiring, practical, motivating, Review by JMF
“…you feel truly motivated, inspired, and charged with energy. It’s like going from having a simple screwdriver to owning a complete kit of power tools. You feel like what you want to do is possible–you CAN really go for whatever it is that you want in your life.
Her practical, how-to advice is pleasantly balanced with her own stories of making brave decisions, overcoming obstacles, and achieving accomplishments. She is full of gratitude and humility, and her energy and warmth are contagious.
After reading this book, I mapped out a new financial plan, weight loss/exercise strategy, and clear goals for my career and family life this year and beyond. This book helped give me the momentum to get started, and the author makes you feel like she’s your friend right there cheering you on.”